Monday, March 5, 2012

Fit Mommy is Back with a Brand New Adventure

OK, sorry for the Marky Mark reference, but after a very long hiatus I have FINALLY decided to resume my blogging because I enjoyed it so much. I realized when I did blog I was holding myself really accountable. And since I have decided to embark on a new adventure ( more about that later), I need to be 100% accountable!

I have not been as diligent with hitting the weights in the gym and it shows. I am softer and jigglier, neither of which are words I think should describe a Fit Mommy's figure! I also have been a TOTAL slacker on my eating - I easily eat half the fries from my kids plates.....EVERY time they have fries, I eat their leftover sugary cereal (which thankfully we only allow them to have once a week), every rule I had blogged about in the past I have broke. And been breaking for awhile.....

Sooooo, enter the new adventure!! A group of girls at my gym have been training for a fitness competition for the past 8 or 9 weeks with an awesome trainer from the gym, who I like to call Coach Y (as in Y oh Y did I think this was a good idea!!). I didn't have time 8 or 9 weeks ago for the diet, the workouts, etc. because of a job I had then, but I have secretly (very secretly) ALWAYS wanted to compete in a fitness competition. I pour over M&F HERS, Oxygen and Fitness Rx for Women magazines like they are classic novels I let myself get lost in. I admire (and covet) their determination, discipline, hard work and their slammin' BODIES! So, when I quit the job I sent Coach Y an email saying that the NEXT competition (if she did train another group of women) i was down for. She told me "We have 9 weeks until this one, let's do this". and I (*gulp*) said "OKAY!"

Wow, 9 weeks to train for a fitness competition, start weight training over from scratch since I have not done that in MONTHS, completely revamping my eating habits from ZERO to HERO overnight - now you understand "Coach, Y oh Y did I think this was a good idea???" Well, I am on Day 10 and I can say I have not had ONE cheat meal, I have done cardio 8 of the last 9 days and weight training 7 of the last 9. Today I am up with the roosters to hit the treadmill before the kiddos and hubby wake up and then later meet as a group at the gym for a weight session. This isn't easy, but not as hard as I thought, and it is large in part because I am a very competitive person!!! (FINALLY it comes in handy and isn't a detriment!)

So follow me as I blog about my progress - we get our measurements (hopefully) today and since I just had mine taken a week and a half ago I don't expect huge changes, but I will post it all here, as well as my diet and workouts. Show is April 28th, 2012 in Boise, Idaho. Here we go!

Your in Fitness,

One Fit Mommy

Friday, June 26, 2009

Beating the Bloat

Even with the BEST intentions to eat clean and workout regularly, any Fit Mommy will tell you toddler food is a diet disaster. After all, you have to SHOW little Tommy how you take a bite of your pizza so you grow big and strong, throwing away those grilled cheese crusts is so wasteful, the end bite of that hot dog most certainly will lead to a ketchupy, mustardy drippy mess so you must take the first bite so your toddler can eat it (relatively) mess free, and a bite (or two....or three) of the "treat" your toddler earned seems deserved! Forget about the extra calories, we Fit Mommies know how to manage calorie consumption with diet and exercise, I am talking about SODIUM INTAKE! All of the hard work we put into diet, weight training and cardio will go completely unnoticed if we are retaining water like the Hoover Dam!

So how do we maintain the WILLPOWER necessary to jut say no? It is a battle I struggle with (and lose) almost daily. So this blog is not intended to tell YOU what to do, but rather to see what tricks you use to overcome the constant temptations. I will let you in on some I use, let me know if they work for you. However I think the best way to overcome the willpower is to be accountable to other Fit Mommies via this blog or any other workout buddy you have enlisted to keep you on the straight and narrow.

1) Drink juice - low calorie juice mixed with sparkling water. Tastes like a sweet treat and actually AIDS in flushing excess water weight out of your system rather than holding on to every last droplet

2) Who has ever heard the saying "Nothing tastes as good as being fit and thin feels?" Yeah, doesn't work for me either. My mantra is "Nothing tastes so good that it's worth carrying around on my rear" or "With the muffin comes the muffin top!" Sometimes, okay a lot of times, I already have the food in my mouth when I think of these quotes but......shoot, I am going to go print them out right now and tape them all around my house!

3. Throw whatever leftover it is - grilled cheese crusts, 1/2 a brownie your toddler didn't finish, etc. IMMEDIATELY in the garbage. Pour vegetable oil over it if you most - I know more than one Fit Mommy who has admitted to taking something back OUT of the trashif it hasn't been touched by anything they would considered know who you are.........

These are just a few - I am going to start practicing them in earnest!!!! Let me know how you do and what elose works for you!!

Yours in Fitness,

One Fit Mommy

Monday, June 8, 2009

BBC Week 2 - Getting a Little Easier??????

This Fit Mommy had a little too much fun this weekend but nothing a week of clean eating an exercise won't take care of! This will be a bit more of a challenging week for me because I am travelling Wednesday thru Thursday and will not be home to make my own food. This just means I need to be proactive and pack healthy, portable snacks with me like almonds, apples, squeeze packets of almond butter - an make HEALTHY eating choices when I am out - such as salads with lean protein (DRESSING ON THE SIDE PLEASE!)

For you Fit Mommy's that are staying on track A BIG PAT ON THE BACK TO YOU!!!! Here is Week 2's menu, followed by YOUR SUPER SUMMER SHAPE-UP WORKOUT!! This menu is a little leaner on calories, so you get TWO OR THREE "extras"!

3/4 C oatmeal, 1 orange or banana (I must tell you, however, that this Fit Mommy has been substituting 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites, scrambled with a little cayenne pepper for the fruit, same calories and keeps me full longer because of the protein)

2 cups raw celery or 8 - 10 cherry tomatoes

1/2 baked potato
4 oz. chicken or fish
2 cups steamed spinach (YUM! My fave vege!!)

2 cups celery or 1 bell pepper
1 T natural almond butter

6 oz. grilled fish
1 cup zucchini
1 cup asparagus
3 cups mixed salad greens

The extras are still the same and don't forget to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!! If you are feeling hungry and a 20 minute distraction isn't helping, eat a little snack!

Okay, as promised but a little late (sorry 'bout that!):

(all exercise do 2 to 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps except the plank - hold plank position for 60 seconds per set)

Walking lunge and bicep curl
Squat and shoulder press
Stiff legged deadlift and row
Bridge (or hip thrust)
Tricep dip

As you can see, the first three exercise are a combination of two exercises - allowing you to reap maximum benefits in less time. When done as a circuit (as I recommend so you keep your heart rate up) this workout can be done in 20 minutes. Now what Fit Mommy doesn't have 20 minutes? You can also do this at home. I only have a set of 15 pound dumbbells but they work great for everything in this circuit. I even put a dumbbell on my stomach to add weight resistance when doing bridges (lie on your back, weight on your stomach, and pressing into your heals, raise your booty off the ground - these help you tone that BIKINI BOOTY!!).

Happy training and healthy eating!!

Your in Fitness,

One Fit Mommy

Thursday, June 4, 2009

On Track & Loving BBQ Season!!

This Fit Mommy is admittedly having a hard time on the BBC eating plan - I am a confessed chocoholic with a HUGE sweet tooth! However, I am satisfying that sweet tooth with a square (or two) of Dove Bliss Dark Chocolate (HEAVEN!!) AND still finding my figure responsive in part to the big does of protein, the healthy carbs (which, by the way, are mostly early in the day to ensure energy levels as the day progresses). I am leaning out and my wedding ring, which is ALWAYS tight on my finger, is now loose! I love it!

I blogged about the sea bass I was going to make and instead I decided to use my grill. I had these beautiful sea bass fillets that I marinated in a mixture of 1/4 cup maple syrup (low sugar), 1/4 cup orange juice (low sugar), 1/8 cup balsamic vinegar and 2 garlic cloves. I ended up marinating mine for a couple of hours since my husband worked very late, however be sure to marinate for at least 30 minutes. Grill 5 minutes on each side - DELICIOUS!!

I promise promise PROMISE to get my 20 minute strength circuit posted soon, however I hear the sounds of a screaming one year old so must rescue him from his crib - naptime for this Fit Mommy is officially over!

Yours in Fitness,

One Fit Mommy

Monday, June 1, 2009


This Fit Mommy got off to a great start! Had my bowl of oatmeal, a banana and then was off for a hike. I did a hike with a very steep incline and power hiked it, running the downhill portion, finishing in about 1 hour 10 minutes. Then back to my car for Meal 2 - an apple. I didn't have time to make the brown rice OR squash for lunch so for Meal 3 I had a 96% lean hamburger patty (leftover from last night's dinner), 2 cups celery and TWO tablespoons peanut butter (my first extra, but it was too yummy!!). When I got home from running my errands I was hungry so I had another extra - 12 almonds. Still hungry, had anther extra - a large grapefruit. Then I had Meal 4, which for me was the squash I missed for lunch. I still haven't had my brown rice so I figured I am a little ahead, but this Fit Mommy is HUNGRY!! Sooooo, I scrambled up 5 egg whites (yet another extra).

Conclusion: this meal plan works best on days when you are not as active. On days when you are active you will need more calories (fuel for the furnace!) and your body will let you know. Listen to your grumbling tummy but make healthy, clean choices. Tomorrow I plan on a BIG extra since it is a weight day for this Fit Mommy - I am whipping up one of my yummy protein shakes to enjoy immediately after my workout and it will NOT replace one of my meals. I will, of course, have other extras throughout the day as needed. Off to make dinner, can't WAIT!! Lemon Garlic Sea Bass - yum! If it is s good as I hope it is I will post the recipe later (as well as a lighter weight routine to compliment this meal plan).

Yours in Fitness,

One Fit Mommy


This Fit Mommy ran in a half marathon this weekend. Despite having my training derailed for 3 weeks with an annoying illness, I completed it in not my best time but better than I thought I would. Now on to a different goal - BIKINI SEASON! Yes, I know bikini season is already among us but with all the time I have I spent running, thinking about running, thinking about missing my runs, etc. I didn't have the time (or energy) to add another goal. So my solution is a 3 week, kick butt training and healthy eating combination. This is NOT a diet - I don't like that word. It is a cleansing, detoxifying, anti-bloating super charged eating program!

Want to join me? It is really simple to follow and only 3 weeks, which is about as long as this Fit Mommy can devote to a regimented eating plan (what?? grilled cheese crusts aren't on this diet?) However, to make it even more simple for me, I cook and prep my foods a couple times per week (it also helps that my husband is also doing his own challenge, so we are eating a lot of the same foods - what a great opportunity to get your husband on this bandwagon too!). I portion my food into individual baggies and pack them in a small cooler I keep in my car for when I am on the go being mommy chauffeur or at the pool and my healthiest option is a mayonnaise laden Waldorf salad over greens.

My plan involves six mini meals throughout the day - TRUST ME - this really keeps your metabolism furnace stoked so you actually burn more calories in total. I have also added a simple 20 minute weight routine (remember weights vs. cardio - you do need BOTH) that is simple enough to even be done at home. And it's ONLY 20 MINUTES!! Okay - here is what week one looks like. I'll be doing this too so let's all keep each other motivated!!

3/4 C oatmeal (non-instant, but it doesn't have to be steel cut oats either, just don't choose the "quick cooking" or "instant" kind, my oatmeal takes 5 minutes in the microwave)
1 orange OR banana

1 apple

1/2 C rice (preferably brown)
4 oz. skinless boneless chicken breast (I grill up 2 or 3 at a time to last me through the next few days)
1 cup summer squash, chopped (I saute with some olive oil cooking spray, pepper and a *smidgen* of salt, this also tastes great cold the next day)

2 C celery
1 T natural almond butter (I look for the individual packets that usually contain 2 T per packet, lasts two days and is already pre-measured for you!)

6 oz. fish, grilled or broiled
1 C zucchini
1 C asparagus
3 C salad greens (serve the fish over these with lemon juice)
*I usually also throw the veges on the grill with olive oil spray, pepper and again only a *smidgen* of salt

1 C mixed berries (this is my favorite thing in the world, but it takes willpower to only have 1 cup!)
1 scoop casein protein (this really promotes muscle repair, strength building and helps stamina) -OR- 1/2 C cottage cheese

In addition, add one or two snacks or substitutions per day as needed. If you don't need one, don't eat one, but if you are doing a harder workout, your body will probably be telling you to eat more. Keep your snacks and substitutions around 100 calories. I usually add one to Meals 2, 4 or 6. Some ideas are 12 raw almonds (85 calories), an extra tablespoon of almond butter (90 calories), an extra piece of fruit (60 - 100 calories), hardboiled eggs (5 eggs, whites only is 85 calories or with yolks 1 large egg is 78 calories). Check back later for the 20 minute 3 week BIKINI BODY WORKOUT!! Good luck!

Yours In Fitness,

One Fit Mommy

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yummy Protein Shake to the Rescue!

Finally felt like I conquered my illness today so I got up early, went for a short 3 mile run and headed to the gym to do the super set routine I blogged about yesterday. Word to the wise - if you have taken a 2 or 3 week hiatus from lifting weights - be it from an illness, on vacation, just taking a break, whatever - START BACK SLOW!! I can already tell you I am S-O-R-E! Thank goodness for my yummy post workout protein shake - I will still be unbelievably sore tomorrow however it certainly helped replenish my fatigued muscles. It is quick. easy and DELICIOUS! Here is my favorite recipe:


  • 1/2 C V8 Fusion Light Peach Mango (my new obsession!!)
  • 1 C frozen mixed berries
  • 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder (my favorite is the Jay Robb brand, it is all natural and packs a whopping 25g of protein per scoop!)
  • 1/4 of a large banana (I like my bananas barely ripe so I usually cut them into fourths and freeze them in a ziploc bag right after I buy them)
  • 1/4 C nonfat plain yogurt

    Combine all ingredients in a blender and pack it to the gym. Since there is little liquid it will be very thick and therefore will keep well while you go through your lift. Feel free to mix and match juices and frozen fruits to come up with YOUR favorite combo.

*An aside note - if you choose to indulge, the peach mango juice goes great with vodka and a half shot of lemon juice for a yummy FitMommy cocktail! Perfect for hot summer nights after the kids are put to bed!

Yours in Fitness,

One Fit Mommy

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cardio Vs. Weights?

I must confess I love cardio, after all I am a runner and I love to push myself. Weights......not so much. And for probably the same reason so many Fit Mommies prefer cardio - the calorie burn vs. time expended. In one hour lifting weights a 130 pound woman burns approximately 300 calories. That same woman can burn anywhere from 600 to 800 calories in an hour depending on intensity level (I really crank up the calorie burn when doing hill work on my treadmill!). However I have never been in better shape than when I am lifting weights regularly- which sometimes means sacrificing my much coveted long runs. Lifting weights will make you lean and defined and when you increase your muscle mass (aka: reduce body fat) you burn more calories while resting. You will NOT bulk up, you will NOT have manly arms or traps - you will become lean, athletic and SEXY!! Trust me ladies, your husband will volunteer to babysit to help you keep that booty you will earn with weights!!

For the Fit Mommy, however, how do we ever have time to fit it ALL in? My answer to you.....SUPER SETS! Not only do you keep your heart rate up by consistently moving (super sets are HARD work!) but you can get a great workout in half the time and still allow yourself time to spare for your beloved cardio. Since it is summer, this Fit Mommy enjoys spending more and more time outdoors hiking, swimming, biking, etc. But I don't want to give up on my weights entirely, so for these few short months I cut back my weight training to two days per week and hit the super sets HARD!! Here are a few of my favorite super set combinations for legs and glutes (to help you get that perky bikini booty!):

Super Set #1
Leg Press
Leg Curl
Leg Extension

Super Set #2
Split Squats (on bench with dumb bells)
Plie squats with dumb bell)
deadlifts (with dumb bell or straight bar)

Super Set #3
Donkey Kick
Calf Raise

This routine is easy to mix and match. You can also drop an exercise and have just two exercises per set. If you're new to the super set game, GO LIGHT. You still want to be able to walk the next day!! If you're not sure what a particular exercise looks like don't be afraid to ask a trainer at your gym to demonstrate and show you the proper form. And LISTEN to your body. Some days I have the energy and stamina to go hard (usually when I have had time to fuel up on something healthy and sustaining, like oatmeal and egg whites) and other days I feel like I am dragging. This is normal but don't let it discourage your progress, remember tomorrow is another day. And one last comment - I ALWAYS have a protein shake or some combination of protein and carbs after a lift. I don't proclaim to know all the science behind it, but I do know I (and my husband) can see the results!

Yours in Fitness,

One Fit Mommy

Battling Sickness Brought Home By Your Little Petri Dishes

It always happens, just as you get into your workout groove - your eating clean (mostly), lifting weights AND getting your cardio in - all while juggling being a mommy, wife, maid and chef. You've achieved perfect balance and then WHAM! Some random virus that snuck into your child's backpack crawled out and invaded you. There is no way to avoid this - I wash my hands so frequently they look dehydrated, I use every disinfecting cleaner on the market. So now I am 5 days since my last workout and feel like I can see my muscles shrinking. So what's a Fit Mommy to do? REST!! You have to - I would take 2 days off from my workout, start feeling better, workout for two days and then come crashing down harder than ever. But the struggle is how do you rest AND continue to keep your weight in balance. Here are some suggestions for you:

1. Take your kids outside and play to sneak in some mini exercises that won't tax your body but will keep you on track. If your pushing them on the swings squat between each push, do walking lunges on your walks (who cares if people can see you, you are a Fit Mommy, they will be envious!) Your kids get the benefit of fresh air and exercise and you remove yourself from the temptations in the kitchen.

2. During naptime set aside 15 minutes for a mini ab circuit - bicycles, crunches, hip thrusts, ball twists, planks - whatever you can think of, make up a circuit and do it about 3 times.

3. Finally, remember your recovering, so I repeat this mantra whenever I am in the kitchen and about to reach for something to eat "Will this help me kick this virus and get back to being my healthy Fit Mommy self?" No? Put it back!!

I am taking one more day off and then plan to get right back on track. 6 a.m. run, kids up and ready for the day, then off to the gym to train legs. At least that is the plan - we'll see if we have any middle of the night wake up calls as we did last night (another surefire Fit Mommy derailer!). Check back soon!

Yours in Fitness,

One Fit Mommy